The Delegates Council is comprised of individual delegates who serve as representatives for their judicatory at MARCC membership meetings. Each judicatory is entitled to at least three delegates, who are appointed or elected in a manner of the judicatory’s own choosing. The Delegates Council has authority to implement policies established at membership meetings, set policy and priorities, create committees and task forces, hear reports of committees and task forces, review decisions and proposals of the Executive Board and take any action essential to the work and program of MARCC.

The role of the Delegate

Delegates serve as a liaison between MARCC and their judicatory. They volunteer their time to support MARCC’s key concerns and coordinate efforts within their judicatory.

MARCC Delegates:

  • Attend MARCC planning and informational meetings and report decisions back to their judicatory
  • Educate themselves and others in their judicatory about local issues relevant to the key concerns
  • Take action on policies and priorities of MARCC within their judicatory
  • Increase awareness of MARCC’s unique role and advocate for its support
  • Recruit potential delegates and board members
  • Represent the interests of their judicatory at MARCC meetings; especially at Fall Planning Conference when key concerns are chosen for the coming year
  • Vote on matters of policy, priorities and actions
  • Collaborate with other judicatories on common priorities

the Marcc delegates council member meetings

Members of the Delegates Council gather monthly to stay informed and inspired about key concerns, and to hear a speaker on a topic related to MARCC’s work. Speakers are typically professionals or advocates from government, non-profit, or faith-based organizations whose work closely relates to MARCC’s key concerns.

Following the speaker, Delegates have the opportunity to ask questions in a Q&A session. Finally, if there is a matter that is presented for a vote, delegates end by caucusing and voting on the motion.

The Delegates Council generally meets the second Wednesday of each month at 12 noon, either virtually, in-person, or in a hybrid meeting format as the situation necessitates.

Exceptions to this schedule are made during February and November to accommodate the Annual Meeting and Fall Planning Conference membership meetings. Also, the Delegates Council has generally elected to recess during the summer months of July and August.

Check out our MARCC archives to review past delegate council meeting topics.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the delegates council?