Our 2024 objectives

Affordable Housing / Displacement / Homelessness
- Advocate for Housing Trust Funds in local jurisdictions with policy makers.
- Advocate for long-term funding for affordable housing from a range of city options: taxes, fees, short-term rentals, tax abatements, scooters, etc.
- Inform judicatories and the broader community on the absence of affordable housing through current data and stories.
- Listen to people who are displaced and learn what real estate, development, or government policies can lead to displacement.
- Advocate for policies that prevent displacement, and partner with organizations on issues of displacement.
- Learn about types of housing that may be used in a strategy to increase affordable units for individuals and families.
- Advocate for administrative processes, rules, and policies that lessen housing barriers for foster children aging out of the system and returning citizens with a criminal record.
- Inform judicatories and congregations about homelessness ad the need for affordable housing to see if they may be interested in hosting or acting as a resource to Found House Interfaith Housing Network homeless families.
- Send representatives and continue active membership in Affordable Housing Advocates.

Community Violence Prevention
- Listen, learn, and inform judicatories, congregations, and the broader community about community and gun violence prevention.
- Convene community violence prevention/intervention experts as presenters to Delegates Council and guests..
- Inform judicatory delegates about local court processes.
- Inform judicatory delegates about the Collaborative Refresh recommendations.
- Advocate for implementation of the Collaborative Refresh recommendations.
- Advocate for public policy initiatives and funding that prevent community violence locally, including equal application of sentencing to reduce prison population..
- Send representative to the University of Cincinnati Community Compliance Council and the City Manager Advisory Group to monitor Collaborative Refresh Goal Recommendations,
- Send representative to Greater Cincinnati Workforce Investment Council to advocate for job training and jobs for teens and returning citizens.
- Inform and advocate for use of the MARCC Photo I.D. Card in local governments, and increase the services offered by the ID Card..
- Learn and interpret early mental health childhood intervention practices that lead to community violence prevention among preteens and teens.
- Send representatives and train volunteers to participate in the Court Watch Project, particularly in Common Please Re-entry Court and Juvenile Mental Health Court..